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Dayaneiris Burton

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How to make your own makeup foundation Shade

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Dayaneiris Burton

Dayaneiris Burton

How to make your own makeup foundation Shade

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Creating your own foundation shade using primary colors can be a fun and creative way to customize your makeup. Here's a guide on how to do it: 1. Gather your primary colors: You'll need red, yellow, and blue in either liquid or cream form. Make sure you have a white foundation base as well to lighten the shades if needed. 2. Start with a small mixing palette: Use a clean mixing palette or the back of your hand to blend the colors. This will allow you to control the shade as you mix. 3. Begin with the undertone: Determine your skin's undertone (warm, cool, or neutral) and choose a primary color accordingly. For warm undertones, use more yellow. For cool undertones, use more blue. For neutral undertones, balance the yellow and blue. 4. Mix the colors: Start by adding small amounts of the chosen primary color to the white foundation base. For example, if you have warm undertones, add a tiny drop of yellow to the foundation and blend it together. Adjust the color intensity as needed until you achieve the desired undertone. 5. Adjust the depth: If you need to darken the shade, add a small amount of blue or red. Start with a tiny drop and blend it well. Remember, it's easier to make a shade darker than to lighten it, so add the darker colors gradually. 6. Test and adjust: Apply a small amount of the mixed foundation shade on your jawline or wrist to test it against your skin tone. Check it in natural light to ensure it matches well. If needed, make further adjustments by adding more of the primary colors until you achieve your perfect shade. 7. Mix and store: Once you've created your ideal foundation shade, mix a larger batch of it by scaling up the ratios. You can store it in a clean container for future use. Remember, this DIY approach offers customization but may not provide the same texture and finish as professional foundations. It's advisable to use a proper formulation when you need long-lasting and flawless coverage. #GOC

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